Monday, May 21, 2012

Deb Caletti. THE STORY OF US

Cricket has just graduated high school, but is still pondering if she’s going away to college. She is torn between spreading her wings or staying home. In addition to her life being at a crossroads, two relationships in her life are also evolving. Cricket has just told her longtime boyfriend, Janssen, that she isn’t sure about their future. Plus, her mother is getting married. Her mother has been at the threshold of marriage twice before just before suddenly ditching those previous boyfriends. Cricket feels anxious for her mother. She hopes this marriage will work. Cricket, her brother Ben, and their mother go stay at a bed and breakfast for the wedding. They meet up with extended family, as well as her future family members.

Deb Caletti is really stretching her legs in this novel. It feels more complex than her books. She uses an interesting technique to tell the story of Cricket and Janssen. Since Cricket is separated from him, she writes him letters. Their love story is revealed through these letters as she is telling him how she got to this point in their relationship. The novel is told in alternating chapters between her letters and the events leading up to the wedding.

The novel is character driven, as expected from Deb Caletti. It’s contemplative and philosophical. I felt Cricket’s ambivalence to moving on with her life. I vividly remember that point in my life when I had moved out of my family home and needed to take that next step. I feel Cricket’s trepidation about leaving her family and her entire life.

I continue to love Deb Caletti’s writing. She brilliantly picks just the right word at the right time. Again, I have beautiful quotes to share:

Doesn’t this perfectly capture that feeling when you've just graduated high school:
“Gavin said, you could be anyone now that you graduated? You could sit inside the warm, familiar room of someone’s idea of you. Or you could step out the front door and see if they’d been right, or wrong, all along.”
So insightful:
“Egos were hungry things. Like Ben and Janssen, you could feed it breakfast, and a half hour later it would want pizza. You could start out using and end up being used, and by the time I got back up to the house, Amy and Hailey seemed full and happy, and I felt nothing but empty and exhausted.”
My favorite:
“Stories are what you have when the place is gone and the dried-up roses have crumbled and the ring is lost and that old car is finally junked. Stories are where the meaning ends up.”

THE STORY OF US is beautiful, insightful and thoughtful book. Check out Deb Caletti and her other books here. I really loved STAY and THE FORTUNES OF INDIGO SKYE

Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Reading (some required)

Summer is a time to put your feet up and relax! Hopefully this includes lots and lots of reading.We have several suggestions for summer reading, but first, let's get the required reading out of the way. Go here for the required summer lists. For other reading ideas, check out the many ideas available on the "Books & Reading" LibGuide. (link below picture). In addition, don't forget about the downloadable eBooks!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Robison Wells. FEEDBACK

It's the sequel to VARIANT, yay! I snagged an advance copy at the Texas Library Association conference, and I got it autographed. So that was super cool!

If you read Variant, you know that it ended with quite a shocking cliff-hanger. If you did not read Variant, please avert your eyes now! Otherwise, you will be spoiled. You've been warned.

If you remember when we left Benson, he had just escaped with Becky from Maxfield Academy. Shortly thereafter, he came across a little town outside the gate where he saw Jane. You know, the Jane who had been previously discovered to be a robot when they killed her inside of the school.

In FEEDBACK, we learn why Jane is in the town. We also see many more people from the school in the town. There is a much bigger, scarier scenario going on then Benson could've imagined. But the Benson we all know and love comes up with a plan.

This sequel is just as exciting as the first book. The plot thickens. Benson is put to the test over and over again. His dogged determination seems to make him stronger and stronger with each challenge. I enjoyed seeing his relationship with Becky blossom. Again, the action gets exciting near the end and we're left with another cliff-hanger! The last half of the book had me flipping pages at lightning speed. I can't wait to see what more people thing of the ending!

FEEDBACK is due out in October. Mark your calendars. And if you haven't read VARIANT yet, get on it!

Check out Robison Wells at his website.
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