Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rebecca Stead. WHEN YOU REACH ME

Sixth Grader Miranda navigates her New York City neighborhood all by herself. She knows the safe places to go, the little tricks to avoid strange people and how to get her keys in her hand before she reaches her building. But some mysterious events occur that cause her to question what she knows. A crazy man begins hanging out on her corner doing weird things. Her best friend ditches her. Then she gets an unusual note that says:

“I’m coming to save your friend’s life, and my own. I ask two favors. First you must write me a letter...”

She doesn’t know who wrote the note or why. Then several other notes come to her. One mentions three events that come true over the following weeks. How could someone know what is going to happen in the future? And how is she involved?
This book is rich with details and wonderful characters. The setting is so well described, I felt like I was there in New York in the late 70’s. The story itself is so unique and intriguing. Every last detail is in place, which is no easy task with this kind of plot. I can’t say more about the plot without spoilers. This is just a smart, remarkable book that you will absolutely LOVE!!

I'm intrigued by this author & plan to read more by her. Here is her website.
This one looks awesome:

Thursday, December 24, 2009


YAY! I was lucky to receive an ARC of THE UNWRITTEN RULE to review!

Sarah and Brianna have been friends since Kindergarten when Brianna saved Sarah from a bully. They’ve been close ever since. The boys always go for Brianna. Sarah has been the trusty best friend. She’s been there to encourage and support Brianna consistently and without question (even at her own expense).

However, now that Brianna is dating Ryan, Sarah is having major conflicts within herself. She had always like Ryan ever since he invited her to the dance in 8th grade. They didn’t end up going together that night due to unforeseen circumstances. But Sarah never stopped liking Ryan. Brianna doesn’t know that or simply refused to pay enough attention.
What should Sarah do? She knows she’s breaking the unwritten rule of friendship, but she’s never wanted a boy so much before. Does she ruin her friendship or does she allow her heart to break?

I love a great love story! What I really admire about Scott’s writing is the way she is able to portray so much energy and feeling between two characters. With only a word, a look, or a brush of a hand, you totally feel the chemistry between two people. I also love the way she gave Sarah and Brianna so much depth. Their friendship was complicated. I remember in SOMETHING MAYBE the way I was taken back to my own teen years with the authentic emotions created. I felt the same realness in this book. It feels like Scott has a direct link to the teenage heart!  And without giving too much away – I thought the ending was realistic and perfect!

Check out Scott’s other books at her website here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Author Interview!! MELISSA DE LA CRUZ

YAY! I got the privilege of interviewing Melissa De La Cruz, author of the intriguing BLUE BLOODS saga. It's a stellar vampire series that truly gets better with each installment.

It's no wonder the books are so intriguing - so is the author!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer a few questions for me and my readers!

Anytime! Thanks for having me and for the great reviews of the books. Yay!

When did you start writing?

I started writing professionally in 1996. I was twenty-five years old and I submitted an essay to the New York Press. Back then you still had to fax your articles in, and the editor actually called me to tell me they were accepting it. It was one of the happiest days of my life. When the article came out I went and grabbed five issues from the bin. I remember feeling so giddy. The feeling of validation—that YES, I can do it and YES, people will pay me to do it—is immeasurable.

Did you always know you would become a writer?

Yes. It was the only thing I wanted to do, ever since I learned how to read. But did I know it would happen? I definitely hoped so and I worked very hard to make it happen. There's a difference between what you can do and what you want to do. I was a very capable: computer programmer, fashion editor, magazine editor. I did a good enough job at my day jobs, and if I had gone to law school and become a lawyer, I probably would have been a decent lawyer.

I always laugh when I read about how if Quentin Tarantino did not become a filmmaker, he says he would have been a "criminal". He was a clerk at a video store! I don't mean to bash, I love his movies, but I think artists sometimes give this perception that we are just made for our art and that is it. As someone who had a day job for nine years and made a decent living at it, I don't think it's quite true. I was competent. But I did feel like I was dying inside. Until I got my first book deal I was depressed for many years. There's this huge burning ambition and desire, and when you feel like it's not happening you feel like less of a person. I remember when I quit my day job after I sold my first novel, I gave an interview and said "I'm going to be a starving artist but I can't be happier." The fact that the books are doing so well is just gravy. I'm just thankful I get to do this.

Thanks for sharing that. It's encouraging to others who are still pursuing their dreams to here your story. We're so glad you persisted and get to enjoy your books!
Now, on to the BLUE BLOODS SAGA…
The idea of vampires as fallen angels is so intriguing, what inspired you to write your vampires this way?

I wanted to have an origin story for my vampires – and the story of Paradise Lost fit so well – I'd always loved the story of Lucifer's Fall and I wanted my vampires to have a very solid foundation in the myths of the world. I'd never read any vampire book that explained WHY they were around. So I wanted an explanation for that.

So true. I do enjoy the explanation - the unraveling we get along the way. 
You skillfully combine ancient history and fantasy. Did you have to do a lot of biblical research for the series?

No. I grew up knowing these stories – I grew up in the Philippines, and went to Catholic school. Religion and mystery and superstition are all much more weaved into daily life in my country. I grew up going to processions – walking for miles holding a candle for the Feast of the Holy Virgin, or during Lent you would see people walking by the highway wearing barbed wire crowns dragging crucifixes. It was just part of what I knew growing up. We moved to America when I was fourteen, and in college when I took a literature class on the Bible I was amazed at how little many of my fellow students knew about the stories.
But the Blue Bloods story is not rooted in a Biblical story per se – Lucifer's Fall is a pre-Biblical story – there's not much mention of it – and while Lucifer is thought to be Satan it's debatable—I think of the angels story as not quite canon – and I would never touch events that were important to the religion I was brought up in.  For instance a reader asked if Schuyler was related to Jesus—No, No, No! I'm not writing the Da Vinci code. I would never go there. I'm Catholic! The myth of angels exists in Christian, Hebrew and Muslin theology, so while it seems like the books are tied to a certain religion, my idea was that they are tied more a more universal myth. And I wanted the Blue Bloods to be tied to all the major historical events, so yeah, they were in Egypt and Rome and Versailles, but they're not part of the New Testament.

Wow, what an interesting upbringing! It's no wonder you've be able to weave in all the different myths and histories so seamlessly. I think that's what makes the novels so rich (for me anyway).
I love posting your Book Trailers with my reviews. Who does those? Do you have any say in what they will look like?

Of course! I produced and paid for them. I hired a company that specializes in anime to do the Revelations trailer and my cousin who's a comic-book artist did all the art. For Van Alen Legacy, a good friend of mine from college is a stop-motion animation director and I hired him to do the trailer (he makes commercials for McDonalds and AT&T and he gave me a discount on his fee – thank god!)– I write all the scripts and then the directors translate my ideas into the screen. I'm really happy with both, and I give them notes on what I think is working or not working. I have a huge say in them since they are an extension of my work. My publisher also made a trailer for Van Alen Legacy, with more of the idea of showcasing me, so I had to appear on camera, and then they show me the piece and I tell them which angles I like better. Their trailer was also amazing – I loved what Disney did and I'm so glad I had two awesome trailers for the book!

Speaking of movies of your books, if BLUE BLOODS becomes a movie, who would be your ideal casting for Schuyler? Or any of the other characters? (We would all be lining up to see this movie on opening day!)

It's hard to say – whoever plays Schuyler would have to look fifteen years old and I am not as up on the young actresses as some of my readers are. I do see some of the dream-casts and they are so great, I'm always so impressed. I think Alexis Bledel would have made a good Schuyler, she's probably too old now. But someone who had her look would nail it I think. I also love Amanda Seyfried for Mimi, she could probably still play it if the movie gets made sooner rather than later.

You're so right about Amanda Seyfried - that's exactly how I picture Mimi in my head!
I heard that you’re working hard on the next BLUE BLOODS installment – can you give us any teasers about it?

Sure! I've given teasers to other sites, so I'll talk about things I haven't yet before. We see a lot of Allegra in this book, part of the book takes place in Florence during the Italian Renaissance and in a boarding school in Connecticut in the 1980s. It's really fun to work with the same characters but in different time periods.

Oh I can't wait to hear more about Allegra. All this time, she's been such a mystery, and everyone has had so much passion for her. I'd love to read her life story.
Thank you so much!! I’ll send the link to the interview when I’ve posted it. Looking forward to the next book!

You're so welcome!! This was fun! Can't wait to see it!

To find out more about Melissa De La Cruz, please visit her website here
Here is the link to my review of the latest in her BLUE BLOODS saga THE VAN ALEN LEGACY.
I'll let you know when the latest installment is out! 

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I’m reviewing some of the latest graphic novels for my new graphic collection at my library. The Adventures of Daniel Boom is way more fun than I imagined it would be. Here are some of the little things that I appreciate:

The villain is named Old Fogey, The ear doctor’s name is Dr. Des E. Bell and the cafeteria lunch lady is called Ms. Grossweiner. Yes, I also think Captain Underpants is funny!

But the story is good too. Daniel Boom was born with a really loud voice – even as an infant, he shattered windows out of the hospital when he cried. Now as a student at Stillville Elementary, Daniel has met a group of kids who also have some “special” talents. They soon learn of an evil plot by Kid-Rid Industries that threatens all the kids in the world. They learn that they are really a unique group of super heroes and take action against Old Fogey and his men.

My students will love Daniel Boom aka Loud Boy!

Check out the author's website here - and the illustrator here

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I jumped on this book as soon as I heard about it. Adam Selzer is one of my favorite discoveries of the last few years. He’s absolutely hysterical! You MUST read HOW TO GET SUSPENDED AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. Right now – no kidding! He’s so funny and not just in a funny/ha ha way, more like in witty/clever way. His plots are so unique. Or actually, perhaps the plots aren't at first. But he takes them, puts them in a blender and then they become unique & laugh out loud funny. I can't articulate what I mean- just trust me- you'll love his books.

Anyway, Andrew North believes his father and brother are spies. He figures that if he learns enough from his brother and proves himself worthy, then he too will be asked to go pro in the family business. When Andrew realizes that the janitor at school, Mr. Gomulka, is a supervillain, he relishes his chance to prove himself as a superspy. But, he must complete the mission on the same night as the music program where he is singing a solo. It could be tricky!

I loved, loved this! In fact, I think it would make a great series. Andrew is a neat little guy that I’d love to hear more about. He totally needs more spy missions! What I like most about this book is how the author is totally in sync with little boys’ minds where imagination is king. My own son has the most fascinating, active imagination. Andrew feels real authentic. And so does his relationship with his older brother.

I can’t wait to booktalk this with my 3rd – 5th graders. I’m anxious to see how they enjoy it (boys and girls).

More about Adam Selzer here. He's really quite a character!

His previous books & my reviews:





Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Woohoo! Here is the latest trailer for THE LIGHTNING THIEF due out February 12th!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The best way to begin this review is a quote from Merilee:

One thing’s for sure in Jumbo, Texas, population 1,258: if you are dumb as an old shoe or super, super smart, you get driven up to El Paso to see a specialist who can confirm what everyone already knows. I’ve been taken there twice, once because I’m smart and once because I’m dumb. After only a few years of life in Jumbo, I’ve come to a conclusion. There’s a thin line between genius and bottom-barrel stupidness. I hover delicately on a tightrope between the two, wondering where I’ll land if I ever fall.

People think Merilee is missing a marble or two – that there isn’t much in her heard. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Merilee has a lot going on in her head, but she has trouble articulating it out loud. She’s fascinated by dragons so much that people call her the dragon girl. She writes in her journal all the interesting things going on around her. She also has a very scheduled, very ordered existence. She calls it her VOE. It’s not mentioned outright in the novel, but she has Asperger’s, which explains her need for order. It also explains how she has no close friends, but is totally okay with that. She likes her life the way it is.

Then two people enter her life and shake things up. The first one is a new kid named Biswick. He likes Merilee a lot and begins following her around asking her lots of questions. Biswick’s father is a drunk poet who doesn’t pay much attention to Biswick, except for being mean to him. The second one is a lady named Veraleen, who came back to town after being gone a while. She takes care of Biswick and helps Merilee too. Despite her desire to keep her life exactly the way it is, Merilee begins to see how friendship may not be so bad after all.

There is so much more going on in this story- much more than I can succinctly describe here. I love the setting (I’m a sucker for my home state, as you know). I love the way the Marfa Lights were incorporated. I love the authentic and full of life, quirky characters. It’s a rich, beautiful novel that I’m glad to have spent time with. Suzanne Crowley is a gifted storyteller, for sure!

Check out her website here. I can't wait to read her latest book. Doesn't it look intriguing!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wendy Mass. 11 BIRTHDAYS.

I love it when I refrain from reading a book’s description before reading it. I like going in with no spoilers. With this book, I knew I loved the author and the cover looked cute, so I just jumped right in. Yay, I’m glad I did that because I got to be surprised at the plot. Now, how do I write the review so that you too will be surprised….I’m not really sure. So, if you don’t want spoilers, stop reading now.
Amanda and Leo were born on the same day. Since their parents met through unusual circumstances at the hospital on the day of their birth, they’ve celebrate every single birthday together. However, at last year’s birthday, when they turned 10, they had a fight. They haven’t spoken since then. Amanda wakes up on their 11th birthday a little worried about having separate parities. Will anyone show up to hers? Leo has a band, a hypnotist, a football star and all kinds of fun stuff planned for his party. She’s just having a lame costume party. She wants the day to be over quickly.
She falls asleep after suffering through her birthday party, where people actually leave to go join Leo’s party, and the strangest thing happens.
She wakes up and it’s her birthday again. She must live through the entire day again. And again. And then again. She decides to try to figure things out and hopefully stop the madness.
I really enjoyed this twist on the Groundhog Day theme. I enjoyed putting the clues together with Amanda and Leo. It was an intriguing story that all ages will enjoy!

Wendy Mass always writes original stories with realistic characters. Here are a few more reviews of her books:

Check out her website here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This was one of those reviews that took me a while to sit down and write, because there is sooo much going on in this book. I needed time to let in sink in. I know I say this every time, but this series really does get richer and more interesting with each installment.
We join Schuyler with Oliver on the run because of the events in Rio. She is blamed for Lawrence’s death. She can’t grieve for him in peace with her family and friends, because the Conclave thinks she killed him. Schuyler and Oliver are getting worn out from changing cities every few days to escape detection.
Meanwhile, back at home, Bliss has an intriguing visitor. Not your normal run-of-the-mill visitor; no, this visitor is a spirit inside of her. Sometimes she blacks out. Other times she witnesses what he’s doing, which really freaks her out. She feels like a tourist in her own body. She’s trying to remain strong and in control to figure out what he’s trying to accomplish.
Finally, the third point of view we get is Mimi. She’s with Kingsley on a Venator hunt for Jordan Llewellyn, who disappeared during the Rio incident. As we learned at the end of the last book, Jordan was no ordinary little sister to Bliss.
And all that was only in the first 20 pages or so. We learn more about the history of the angels, as well as what the Van Alen Legacy is and Schuyler’s part in it. I can’t really say much more without spoiling it. It’s incredibly satisfying, and it left me excited about the next installment.

For the author's website, click here.

Also, let me tempt you with a book trailer:

And even cooler is this interview with the author about the book! Check it out:

Monday, October 12, 2009


Wendy Mass is becoming one of my favorite authors. Her books are so original and memorable. Each one is special in its own way.
This one brings together 3 very different teens: *Ally lives on an isolated campground called Moon Shadow where people go for all types of stargazing events. Her family has been preparing for the biggest event of all, a total eclipse of the sun. Thousands of guests will be coming to her camp in a few weeks to witness this major event.
*Bree feels like she was adopted. Her family is really into science and she’s totally not. She’s gorgeous and planning her future as a model. Her idea of fun is NOT a campground.
*Jack is a loner who reads science fiction and draws aliens. He was not looking forward to summer school. Fortunately, he gets an opportunity to skip it, if he goes to Moon Shadow with a group of stargazers to help out his teacher.
All three teens meet at Moon Shadow, each under different circumstances. They are dealing with their own challenges and obstacles. Meeting one another becomes exactly what they need.
I loved this book for several reasons. First, I enjoyed that it was from three different points of view. Each character was distinct, interesting and realistic. I began to care for each of them. Second, the campground was a wonderfully unique setting. Wow, what a cool place to live or visit. There are special attractions around the camp called “Unusuals.” Some of them include a labyrinth, a star garden, a sun garden, and an art house. Last, I gained a whole new appreciation for astronomy.
I experienced something fresh and interesting – and that’s the best kind of book!

Here are some of the author’s other special books:

A MANGO SHAPED SPACE my review here
11 BIRTHDAYS is in my "to read" pile. Check out more about WENDY MASS at her website.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Katherine Paterson. FLIP-FLOP GIRL

How timely. Katherine Paterson just received a lifetime achievement award from the International Board on Books for Young People today! Well-deserved!
Vinnie is already dealing with the death of her father when her mother uproots her and her brother to go live with her grandmother in a new town. She’s angry and she feels guilty about her brother. Mason has stopped talking or eating. She thinks it’s because of her yelling at him at the funeral. In the new town, the only positive is her new teacher. She likes him a lot, and he seems to care about her. Then she encounters a mysterious girl who has a rare confidence about her, even though she appears to be an outcast. Her name is Lupe. She doesn’t have any decent clothes and she appears to only have one pair of shoes, orange flip-flops. Plus, while it bothered Vinnie that no one wanted to talk to her or play with her, Lupe seemed oblivious to this and happily played hopscotch alone. Perhaps this girl, this flip-flop girl, will be just the friend she needs.
This is a wonderful, honest depiction of the emotions a child goes through after a death. Vinnie’s anger and loneliness are intense. Lupe is an intriguing character. It’s a meaningful and compelling story you won’t soon forget.
Check out her website for more by Paterson (you know her from Bridge to Terabithia, Great Gilly Hopkins, Jacob Have I Loved, etc...)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gayle Forman. IF I STAY

I had been hearing about this one for a while, so I was excited to finally get to read it! I was not disappointed at all. This premise was quite unique. Five minutes after we get a wonderful introduction of Mia and her family and falling in love with each and every character, disaster strikes. Mia finds herself in an in-between stage. She’s not dead, but she’s not conscious either. She is witnessing everything going on around her. She sees her family members come in and talk to her. She sees her best friend and boyfriend both distraught.

In flashbacks, we learn more about Mia and her life up to this point. She has a wonderful life. She’s a talented cello player and will probably get accepted to Julliard. Her musician boyfriend loves her deeply and has his own successful career. The only major problem is that their careers will take them in different directions. Before the accident, Mia had a decision to make. Now she has a different, more compelling decision overriding everything. Mia realizes that it’s up to her to stay and wake up or take the easy route and go to sleep for good.

The premise alone made this an intriguing story. But, wow, I was constantly amazed at the beautiful writing. It really is a beautiful, heartbreaking story.
And if that doesn’t convince you, this book trailer will totally do the trick!

Here is the author's website for more.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I so CANNOT wait for this movie. So any little tidbits are awesome!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Terra Elan McVoy. PURE

Tabitha and her friends made a promise at the age of twelve that they would remain pure until they got married. They each wear a purity ring to symbolize their promise to God, their families and each other. The five of them have been friends for a long time. Tabitha and Morgan have been best friends since they were really young. They both believe deeply in their faith and each other. At least they did, up until a major event causes a blow to their relationship.

Tabitha begins seeing some characteristics in Morgan that shock her to the core. She begins to question not only Morgan, but her own belief system. She begins to wonder about the very foundation her purity promise is based on, as well as how to choose what is right and wrong. To make things more complicated, Tabitha begins dating Jake, a boy whose kisses make her tingly. How will he react to her purity ring?

Wow. There is so much packed into this book. I love how honest and smart Tabitha is. She is honest with herself, about all of the issues she is dealing with, and learns to be honest with everyone around her. That is really difficult for a teen (heck – it’s difficult for adults!). I also love the author’s spectacular writing. There is a scene where all the girls are having a conversation. But, as they are talking you’re getting what they really feel through either a look on their face or through Tabitha’s translation in her head. It’s a multi-layered conversation and would be extremely clunky, if not written so brilliantly by the author. I enjoyed it so much that I read it over & over. In fact, there were several parts that I savored slowly.

Loved it! Check it out!

Check out the author's website here.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Andy Griffiths. TREASURE FEVER

Do you like silly funny? Do you like Jim Carrey? (and by Jim Carrey I mean Dumb & Dumber Jim Carrey, not so much The Cable Guy Jim Carrey). Do you like it when people resemble their names? For example: Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Chalkboard, Fiona McBrain, Gretel Armstrong and Grant Gadget? If so, then you will adore TREASURE FEVER.
It all begins when Henry gets sent to the principal’s office at Northwest Southeast Central School. During the conversation about what Henry did wrong, Principal Greenbeard tells Henry a story about how he played pirates when he was a boy at the school. He and his friends buried a treasure and it was found and stolen by a rival pirates. To this day, the principal has yet to find the treasure. Of course, this gets Henry and his friends on the hunt for buried treasure on the school grounds. (who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt!)
This is one in a series called SCHOOLING AROUND by Andy Griffiths. He also is known for his THE DAY MY BUTT WENT PSYCHO series, as well as several other goofy books. These are silly fun books. They’re great for reluctant readers as well as kids who just want a fun read! (your Captain Underpants readers will love these books!)

Check out the author’s website here. I'm real curious about his new one coming out next year called THE VERY BAD BOOK: click on the book for more...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Vlad is beginning tenth grade at Bathory High. He’s enjoyed having Otis at home for a while, especially after the attack the previous year by the slayer. He’s felt safe and learned even more about is unique talents as a vampire. But Otis must leave once again. When Otis leaves, Vlad is left with several reasons to feel unsettled about the new school year. First of all, he’s having torturous nightmares about D’Ablo, who he knows is still after him. His best friend Henry is acting weird around him like he doesn’t want to be his friend anymore. And to make matters worse, Vlad’s hunger is increasing to an insatiable level. He worries about his will power around people. This may be his most challenging year yet.

This was another great book in the chronicles of Vladimir Tod. We learn more about Vlad’s status as the Pravus. We learn more about D’Able and Vlad’s father. There are a few surprises, plenty of action and that witty humor we’ve gotten used to from Heather Brewer.
I loved it & anxiously await the next one!

Don't forget to check out the author's awesome website here.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This is the first in a new series by Dan Gutman. It continues the adventures of the kids at Ella Mentry School from the MY WEIRD SCHOOL SERIES. In this book they graduate from 2nd grade into third. Normally you don’t graduate from second grade, but the new PTA president is the mom of one of the kids and she makes a huge deal about it (hence the title) and goes completely overboard.
I love this series! It’s totally relatable to kids. Like this:

Mrs. Dole says “Remember your first day of Kindergarten? My little baby Ryan was so scared to go to school that he peed in his pants. I remember it like it was yesterday.”
“You peed in your pants yesterday?” I asked Ryan.

It’s hysterical! There are many other quirky, funny parts that I won’t divulge here, so you can discover them for yourself. These are great for boys! Although girls will also enjoy them.
This series has 5 more books in it, some haven’t been published yet.

Dan Gutman has a great site to find out more about this series and all his other great books.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Wow. I could kick myself for not reading Clarice Bean sooner! I remember seeing Lauren Child's illustrations. And I had read CHARLIE & LOLA, but I think I never got to read Clarice because I was more focused on middle grade books. Well, she is now my absolute favorite book character for young readers. I would have been obsessed as a child (and truthfully, I am a little now as an adult). Plus I love the artwork so much, I want to post all of it here, but I’ll just post a few & send you to Lauren Child’s website for the rest. This is one of those examples where without the illustrations you truly lose the entire mood, theme, and essence of Clarice Bean and her world. I think the creative placement of the text on the page is helpful too. Also, I’d like to point out that Clarice comes in picture book format as well as chapter books. I love them both.

So, about the book. This one is called Utterly Me. A trophy is stolen at school. The bad boy is blamed, since he usually does everything anyway. But Clarice doesn’t think he stole it. So, she emulates her favorite book character Ruby Redfort, secret agent, to solve the mystery.
Clarice is an imaginative, funny daydreamer. I enjoyed spending time with her and look forward to her other chapter books.

A few adorable picture books that I loved!

More on Clarice Bean & her awesome creator, Lauren Child.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Alvin Ho is entering second grade with a PDK (a personal disaster kit). He’s afraid of everything, except explosions. He loves explosions. Before he started school, he was a superhero – Firecracker Man. (and he still dons the Firecracker Man hat from time to time). But even though he is a superhero, he is very scared of school. He never says a word at school. This makes it difficult to make friends, which he wants to do badly. So he ends up sitting with the only student who understands him: A girl named Flea. He’s disappointed, yet surprised by the book that she’s complied which turns out to be a dictionary of all of his facial expressions. Plus, the fact that she wears an eye patch makes sort of like a pirate. Maybe she will turn out to be OK after all.

Alvin is a refreshingly original character with a wild imagination. He's adorable! I enjoyed going on all of his journeys. I laughed out loud many times. Plus, the story is enriched with the most spectacular illustrations by Leuyen Pham. The facial expressions have uncanny resemblances to some of my favorite Dr. Suess characters.
Highly Recommended!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jacqueline Woodson. FEATHERS

“Hope is the thing with feathers.” Frannie becomes enamored with this section of a poem by Emily Dickinson that her 6th grade class reads. Many things going on around her cause her to ponder about hope. A mysterious new boy joins her class. It’s 1971 and her school is all African Americans, so the white boy seems very different. He’s skinny with pale white skin and long hair. He has a quiet, calm nature but also seems sad. Eager to put a label on their confusion, the kids begin calling him “Jesus boy.” Frannie’s best friend believes he really is Jesus. Frannie is confused by the boy continuing to deny that he is white. In addition to this mystery, Frannie’s mom has some news that brings back some sadness from their past. Will they be able to move past it and be hopeful again?

For such a thin book, there is a lot going on inside of this treasure. I felt like it took on a life of its own. The flow and rhythm is beautiful. There are many great issues for discussion (several types of prejudice and bully issues), but the book doesn’t feel heavy at all. It’s light and the quiet moments are the most memorable. It’s a real joy. I can see why it is a Newbery Honor book.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I’ve been wanting to read this series for a while now. I’m so glad I did. As I’ve said before, Meg Cabot is one prolific writer! It’s amazing how many books she’s written. But even more amazing is the amount of audiences she writes for. She really does write memorable and interesting stories for adults, teens and children! This series is something I would’ve eaten up as a young girl! (I love it now too!)

Allie Finkle is a quirky girl who likes to make sense of the world by keeping a running list of rules in a book that she hides under her bed. She’d been learning a lot of important stuff and felt that writing it down would help her remember it all. Here are some of my favorites:

“Listen politely when a grown-up is telling you something, even if you already know it.”

“If someone is yelling from excitement, the polite thing to do is yell back.”

“Don’t get a pet that poops in your hand.”

Allie has a best friend that she’s known since kindergarten and pretty much likes her life the way it is. (Except the fact that her best friend cries at the drop of a hat.) So, when her mom announces that the family is moving, Allie is thrown into a tailspin. Especially when she finds out more about their new house. Allie’s not sure if her rules will help her out with this situation.

Adorable! I loved Allie and her way of thinking. She’s quite a fun 9 year-old. I look forward to reading more about her in books 2, 3 & 4.

Here’s the author’s website, where you can learn more about Allie and even play some games!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


(Since I'm an elementary librarian now, I'll be focusing on more younger audience books. I'll still review YA -you'll just see more children's reviews here than you did before.) Now, on to the review...

While going through a box of books, Ali finds an old torn picture of her and her aunt and a small snippet of another girl at Gull Cottage, the lake house the family owns. On the back of the picture is the name of her mom, her aunt and another name where the picture is torn beginning with a T. Ali asks her mom about it, but her mom clams up and refuses to talk about it. When her aunt comes to visit, she also refuses to divulge any information about this “T” person. She claims they didn’t hang out with anyone at Gull Cottage – just each other.
After 30 years of avoiding Gull Cottage, Ali’s aunt, Dulcie, decides to spend the summer there painting. She asks Ali her to join her so she can babysit her niece, Emma. Everything is set for a nice relaxing summer at the lake. But you see the cover, right? A mysterious girl who calls herself Sissy keeps showing up to play with Ali and Emma. But she’s mean and starts to become a bad influence on Emma. Also, bit by bit, Ali begins unraveling the mystery of the “T” person in the photo. It definitely doesn’t end up being a nice and relaxing summer at the lake.
I loved this ghost~mystery. It’s chilling, suspenseful and creepy. It kept me up late at night - I couldn't stop reading. It’s great for kids as young as 4th grade through middle school who liked to be scared.

I was happy to see that the author has written many books, check her out here.

Monday, June 15, 2009


What a spectacular writer. This is Sarah Ockler’s first book and all I can say is WOW. I can’t wait for more from her. I’m so glad my copy isn’t a library book, because I dog-eared so many pages that I would be ashamed to return it to the library! For example, listen to this
“As the California announcement took an awkward dive out of Red’s mouth and flopped onto the table waiting for a response, all I could think was, A year later is still way to soon.” (how visual!)
“Once Frankie’s asleep, my best-friend superstrength disappears. My breathing shatters, tears blur the stars in the overhead skylight, and all the ghosts I tried to leave home float like dandelion seed wishes into our room.” (beautiful!)
There’s more magnificent parts, but I don’t want to give away too much of the plot.
So anyway, about the story. Frankie and Anna are best friends who’ve gone through a traumatic event together. They get a chance to go to the beach with Frankie’s family for three weeks. Frankie concocts a plan that includes meeting a new boy each day for a total of 20 for the summer. More boys means more chances to meet the right one – it’s scientific!
The summer is fun, but also becomes a major turning point for the girls. Secrets, lies, and heartache make for an unforgettable journey.
As you can already tell, I loved this book. I even took longer to read it because I wanted to continue to cherish it. The characters are wonderful and real. The emotions are raw and honest. The characteristics of first love are portrayed accurately and lovely. And the writing is to be enjoyed over & over again. Again I say, WOW!

For more on Sarah Ockler, check out her website here.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cheryl Renee Herbsman. BREATHING

It seems fitting that I finished this book during my visit to Tennessee & Georgia. The southern dialect in the book matched the dialect of the people I encountered. I felt that I was literally in the setting of the book. Lovely.
Savannah usually spends her summer working at the library and studying SAT prep materials. She’s determined to get out of her small coastal Carolina town and go away to college. But this summer, she gets an unexpected distraction. She meets her soul mate and his name is Jackson. He’s staying with his cousins for a while. He’s cute, perfect and she falls hard for him. Savannah also has asthma, but since having Jackson around, she seems to be able to breathe easier. But after a few weeks together, Jackson has to go back home. The drama of losing him causes Savannah to have major breathing problems, literally and figuratively.
If you aren’t familiar with the dialect, it may be quite unusual at first or hard to get used to. It wasn’t for me, because I know people who speak in this southern dialect. So, it may or may not be your cup of tea. But it totally fit the characters and setting. It felt true. And the cover! Wow! It really captures the tone of the book. It’s wonderful.
I cherished every bit of this book. I loved the characters, the setting, the voice, everything! If you enjoy a love story, you'll love it.

I think this is the author's first book. I'm looking forward to more from her. Here's her website.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Vlad made it through 8th grade (if you missed the review see here). He learned a lot from Otis and almost lost his life. But some things never change. He's in high school and the two bullies who pushed him around in middle school continue to give him trouble. Also, Vlad's no closer to officially calling Meredith his girlfriend. But he does receive a bit of good news from Otis. He's going to get to spend winter break with him in Siberia training with a special vampire family friend. When he finds out a vampire slayer is in town, he's glad to take part in any training that may help save his life.
I'm liking this one even more. We're learning more about the vampire secret world, as well as Vlad's part in it. The fact that he's half-human, half-vampire comes into play more in this book. Since he was actually born (not made into a vampire), this seems to make a huge difference. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing-you must read for yourself! Plus, there are several other surprises in store in this one.
I'm now anxiously awaiting TENTH GRADE BLEEDS, which is due out end of June.
By the way, even with Vlad entering high school, this is still middle school appropriate.

Check out the author's website.

And of course, the trailer is very cool, again produced by DeviantArt

Trailer - Ninth Grade Slays by *mree on deviantART

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Elizabeth Scott. SOMETHING, MAYBE

And you think you’re parents were embarrassing when you were a teen? Um, probably not so much after reading this book. Hannah would probably hide what her mom does for a living, if she could, but since she does it online, that’s not really a option. Her mom dated an aging rock star years ago and became famous for it, among other things. Anyway, when Hannah and her mom first moved to Slaterville several years back, they gave her a lot of grief for her infamous parents. She learned to stay under the radar, so people eventually left her alone. Now in high school, she feels like she’s met her soul mate in Josh. Surely, he would realize it too, once he got to know her better. But this other guy, Finn, keeps getting in the way. She works with both of them. Josh is her dream guy and Finn is an annoying jerk. When Josh finally asks her out, she’s in heaven. Is he really the dream guy she imagined or is he someone else?
I really enjoyed this love story. It’s funny and real. There is an authenticity to the writing. In fact, it brought me back to some distinct moments in my life as a teen. Hannah’s teen emotions feel fresh, not cynical. There are things going on that I can’t say without spoiling it, but you feel her naiveté and remember when you felt that way. (or if you’re still a teen-hopefully you still feel that way)
This was a real joy to read! Can’t wait to read more from Elizabeth Scott.

I've heard that PERFECT YOU is awesome too:
For more on the author & her books click here for her website.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Yay! I’ve been waiting on this sequel to AIRHEAD. In the beginning we find Em (Nikki) adjusting to her new life, somewhat. She really has no choice but to follow all of her orders as spokesmodel and official face of Stark Industries. Her typical job is modeling Stark Superstores clothing while doing commercials for Stark brand laptops. And if you remember from book 1, she is basically a corporate slave to Stark or else they will throw her family in jail. So even though flying around the world to model in tropical locations may sound glamorous to you, there is a down side. Em’s every single move is monitored. Her apartment is bugged. Her laptop and cell phone are bugged. Her family’s homes and cell phones are bugged. You name it – bugged. So she can't really spend much time with her family or her old life, otherwise Stark will get suspicious.

Anyway, Em is doing the best she can to remain normal. She's going to school and trying to begin a relationship with her old best friend. She’s been doing a decent job of fooling everyone. Until now. Nikki’s brother shows up out of the blue and he might be the one person she isn’t able to fool. To complicate things, he brings up some serious questions about the way Nikki died. Perhaps Stark isn’t being as honest as everyone would like…

I loved this sequel! It surprised me with some mysteries and discoveries. I'm really getting attached to some of the characters. Plus, it's mighty hysterical in parts. It leaves you eagerly awaiting the sequel, which will be called RUNAWAY according to the teaser in the back of the book.
Highly Recommended for a ton of fun!

Remember, you MUST read the first one to understand & enjoy this one.

To enjoy more of Meg Cabot & her books click here for her website.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So, I’m a little late getting on the bus with this one. It’s been out a few years, and yes, I had heard of it. It was on my list all this time. (I mean, the title alone made it mandatory reading!) Anyway, here goes:
Eighth grade is bad enough for Vladimir Tod. Bullies bother him, the principal has a grudge against him and the girls he likes seems to be after his best friend. But as if the “normal” junior high angst isn’t enough, he has a big secret to worry about. He’s half human, half vampire. His parents were killed a few years back, so he lives with his guardian, Nelly. Fortunately Nelly is a nurse and has access to blood to nourish Vlad. The only other person that knows his secret is his best friend, Henry. So basically Vlad is on his own dealing with the cravings, the fighting to keep his fangs from showing, the unusual abilities he has and his unknown future. Until one day when a substitute teacher leaves him a note saying he knows his secret. Who is this strange teacher, and is he after Vlad? Did he kill his parents?
This book fools you. In the beginning, you feel like it might be light fun. But as you go along, it gets more intense and more suspenseful. Plus, as the first book in the series, it feels like a big teaser for even more. I was left wanting to immediately read book two.* And now I see that there is a book three! YAY.

Random comment: I don't normally post a picture of the back of a book. But really, this is the first time I've seen such a cool setup. The front has a picture~and not the exact title, more the title of the series, and the author isn't even mentioned until the back. Really cool & different. Let's give props to the author for letting them put her name on the back!

*Book two will have to wait. I have another super secret advance copy sequel from another author that I must read right now!!

Ms. Heather Brewer has a really cool website, check it out here.

Also, take a look at the stellar anime book trailer below.

Flash Movie: Vladimir Tod by *mree on deviantART

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cecil Castellucci & Jim Rugg. JANES IN LOVE

This is the sequel to the fantastic PLAIN JANES. Everything seems to be going well for the Janes. They continue their P.L.A.I.N. activities. Valentine’s Day is coming up, so people begin obsessing about getting a date for the dance. Then a few curves balls are thrown at the group. An encounter with the police makes Jane question whether or not to continue P.L.A.I.N. Also, a few scary events bring back haunting memories from the violence in Metro City. Will Jane ever feel hopeful again about her friends and the future?
There are so many events and issues in this deceptively slim volume. Even though it’s intense, it isn’t depressing. After reading, you feel like you’ve been on a beautiful journey. The artwork is spectacular! The story and the images are merged perfectly.
Highly Recommended!

Here is the author's website

Here are two interviews with illustrator Jim Rugg:
This one is about first book PLAIN JANES
This one is about the sequel JANES IN LOVE

This is the type of graphic novel that I use to illustrate why graphic novel are so important and serve a huge purpose in library collections and classrooms.

Here are two more of my current favorite works of literature art:

Please share some of your favorite graphic novels!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Denise Vega. CLICK HERE: to find out how I survived seventh grade

Erin Swift is entering 7th grade with several things freaking her out. She’s now in middle school, which means lots of new people. Plus, she’s being separated from her best friend for the first time since Kindergarten. They were put in different tracks at school. How will she navigate the halls of the enormous school and deal with 8th graders without her best friend Jilly? Then soon after school starts, some things begin to make her hopeful. For example, there’s the cute boy in her homeroom and Intranet Club that she’s beginning to like “more than a friend.” However, when he meets her friend Jilly, Erin is afraid he’ll like her, which is so typical! A few major dramas happen to Erin in her 7th grade year before she learns to really stand up for herself. Oh, and all these major dramas (and the minor ones) are chronicled in her own personal, private blog. Only you, the reader, gets to see it.
This was so much fun! Erin is an adorable character who you’ll root for. Jilly is a completely realistic best friend. I cracked up in many parts, and I related to the sad parts. Who hasn’t been in a position where they never wanted to show their face again at school?
Any middle-schooler will enjoy this! And I think a lot of them at my school will be reading it soon, because, we're lucky enough to have the author, Denise Vega, come visit us in May! How cool is that! Yay :)
For more on Denise Vega and her other books click here for her super cool website.

The sequel is out July 1st.

Pre-order it now!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Carrie Jones. NEED

Wow what a cool book!
Ever since Zara White’s father died, she hasn't been herself. She no longer feels like doing anything. Her mother fears that she is deeply depressed and worries so much about her that she sends her off to live with her grandmother. She hopes that a change will help Zara return to her spunky self again. It works. Zara begins to see this creepy man following her. It peaks her curiosity, but it also introduces her to a whole new world that she never even wanted to know existed.
I loved this book! It has romance, friendship, adorable characters (Issie), humor and danger.
(and gold dust – always a nice addition)
Here’s one of the many funny pieces of dialogue:

He shouts to me, “Pixies have to be invited in, like vampires. I read it on the Internet.”
“Well, there you go,” I mutter. “Then it must be true.”

Maybe it's just my sense of humor, but I found that hysterical. There’s a lot more funny dialogue, but I can’t say more without spoiling the story for you. It is an exciting story full of supernatural beings. I won’t tell you all of them here, but I will say that it involves pixies. Before reading this, all I knew about pixies were pixie sticks (yummy, but totally not the same thing) and Tinker Bell (not even close). So this was my first foray into the world of Pixies. It was most excellent! I can feel a sequel coming & I can’t wait.
Read it – you won’t be sorry!
More about the author here

Oh and here's the book trailer for it:

Addendum: I knew that character was named after Devyn – the fantastical blogger/author! So I looked it up & yes, it was indeed named after him. How lovely to have a character named after you in a book. Anyone wanting to name a character after me, please, please feel free.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

David Hernandez. NO MORE US FOR YOU

I love when I find a new author! I was browsing a the library & this was on display. (I fell for my own marketing tactics - both books I selected were from the display!) The title is what grabbed me. How sad, right? Anyway...
Isabel lost her boyfriend in a car accident almost a year ago. Carlos has just been dumped by his girlfriend. They meet through a new girl at school, Vanessa. So far, you’d think this was a typical girl-meets-boy book. But, it’s far from that. Isabel has some serious issues with death. She is obsessed with imagining how everyone around her will die (car wrecks, fires, plane crashes, etc.) Carlos works in a museum and eats red licorice all day. The two of them end up on a double date with Vanessa and a Carlos’s friend Snake. It looks like things may work out for them when tragedy strikes. Typically, this event would cause them to “bond,” but this is not a typical story. It has a somber mood throughout, but it’s not depressing. In the hands of a different writer, I would not have enjoyed the story at all. But the writing is so beautiful and engaging that I wanted to stay with these characters. Some scenes were so intricate that I felt like I was watching a scene in a movie. Anytime I find myself post-it-noting page after page, I know that’s some awesome writing. Here’s one of my many bookmarked snippets:

“I left Snake leaning by himself on the fence and made my way across the quad, students cutting in front of me from the left, the right. Two gulls fought on top of an empty table for a bag of potato chips, pecking and squawking and flapping their gray wings. By the time I reached Mira, the other guy was gone, the note was open in her hands. It was a long letter. So much ink it had to mean trouble.”

Don't you have a crystal clear image in your head?
But, it’s not just the writing that I admire; the characters are real, endearing, and you care about them. Highly Recommended!

I was not surprised to find out that David Hernandez is also a poet. Check out his website here. I look forward to more from him.
Here's his first novel:
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