Thursday, July 26, 2007


J.K. Rowling.

Well, I finally finished the book. It was really long, plus I was trying to enjoy it, since it's the last one and all. I can't say too much without giving away spoilers. It's quite a different adventure for Harry, Ron & Hermione. A lot of things are revealed, there are plot twists, unexpected deaths, and lots of good things too. I guess that's about all I can say! I thought it was a wonderful ending for the series for a number of reasons (that I obviously cannot elaborate on here). Also, there were many times while reading that I was thinking, "wow, can't wait for this movie..can't wait for that scene to be played out by the actors!" So sad that it's over.

Laurie Halse Anderson. PROM
Ashley is a senior, but couldn't care less about prom. She just wants to graduate and get outta school. Nat, her best friend, is chair of the prom committee and obsessed with the preparations for the "most magical night of her life." Then everything comes crashing down when the math teacher steals the prom money. Nat is desperate, so Ashley suggests that they have the prom in the gym. Ashley gets roped into helping to re-raise the money for prom, but she still doesn't want to actually go to the prom, or does she? I listened to this one on audio, and since the narrator was so good with all of the accents, I laughed out loud many times.

After having 5 separate panic attacks, Ruby Oliver’s parents insist that she begin seeing a psychiatrist. Ruby’s doctor makes her write out a “boyfriend list” that includes every boy that’s come close to or been an actual “boyfriend.” As the reader, we hear the story behind each boy starting in early elementary school. They aren’t all really boyfriends, unless you count a boy giving you candy and then never speaking to you again. Anyway, what makes this story great is how the author brilliantly intertwines Ruby’s current problems with her life history. She goes back & forth, but somehow it isn’t confusing at all. We see certain patterns in Ruby’s life, and we care enough about her to find out what happens in the end. There is also a little mystery as to what happens to this “boyfriend list.” We get hints along the way that something embarrassing is going to happen. This was a fun read! (yes, the adorable frog on the cover has something to do with the story)

E. Lockhart. DRAMARAMA

Sarah doesn’t feel like she really belongs at her school, nor does she want to. Her school seems pretty vanilla, while she’s mint chocolate chip. Then while waiting to audition for a summer theatre camp, she meets Demi. He seems as alive as her. They both love singing and dancing, and they both dream of performing on Broadway one day. The both attend the summer camp and are introduced to a world of such excitement that they never want to leave. But Sarah isn’t so sure she’s as talented as they thought. Will she make it as a performer? This world was so much fun that I didn’t want to leave. Unfortunately, I can’t sing, so this was the only way I’ll ever get to see musical theatre up close and personal!
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