Monday, June 15, 2009


What a spectacular writer. This is Sarah Ockler’s first book and all I can say is WOW. I can’t wait for more from her. I’m so glad my copy isn’t a library book, because I dog-eared so many pages that I would be ashamed to return it to the library! For example, listen to this
“As the California announcement took an awkward dive out of Red’s mouth and flopped onto the table waiting for a response, all I could think was, A year later is still way to soon.” (how visual!)
“Once Frankie’s asleep, my best-friend superstrength disappears. My breathing shatters, tears blur the stars in the overhead skylight, and all the ghosts I tried to leave home float like dandelion seed wishes into our room.” (beautiful!)
There’s more magnificent parts, but I don’t want to give away too much of the plot.
So anyway, about the story. Frankie and Anna are best friends who’ve gone through a traumatic event together. They get a chance to go to the beach with Frankie’s family for three weeks. Frankie concocts a plan that includes meeting a new boy each day for a total of 20 for the summer. More boys means more chances to meet the right one – it’s scientific!
The summer is fun, but also becomes a major turning point for the girls. Secrets, lies, and heartache make for an unforgettable journey.
As you can already tell, I loved this book. I even took longer to read it because I wanted to continue to cherish it. The characters are wonderful and real. The emotions are raw and honest. The characteristics of first love are portrayed accurately and lovely. And the writing is to be enjoyed over & over again. Again I say, WOW!

For more on Sarah Ockler, check out her website here.
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